2023年Mega Show Part 1參展商名單

Campus Corp.



康普有限公司成立於80年代,總部設於台灣,由曾淑華董事長一手創立。從一台打字機起家,康普有限公司於幾年後在南投工業區蓋了第一間嬰幼兒用品廠。隨著公司的成長,康普有限公司大膽的跨足不同行業如電風扇,腳踏車,三輪車,水氧機以及條碼掃描器。我們秉持著專業知識與品質要求的理念,一步一腳印的在台灣,大陸,北美,中南美多處成立了據點。我司目前主要市場為歐美國家。在面對市場千變萬化的更新與挑戰,康普有限公司將一直努力把更好的服務與產品推往至世界更多國家。 Campus Corp was established in the 80s. The corporate office is located in Taipei, Taiwan. Starting with a typewriter, Campus Corp. built the first baby product factory in Nantou Industrial Park a few years later. As the company grows, Campus Corp. took a big step and expands into many industry like Home Appliances, Bicycles, Tricycles, Fans, Aroma Diffusers, and Barcode Scanners. Our principle is simple: "Providing the best knowledge and setting an industry quality standard" Our current branches are in Taiwan, China, North, South and Central America. As more and more competitors are competing in the market, Campus Corp. will always strive to provide the best service and products to more countries in the world.


Contact Person:Eugenia Tseng
Exhibits:Baby Products, Tricycles, Fans, Barcode Scanners & Aroma Diffuser
Nature of Business:Manufacturer

Industry:Baby Products

Product Categories:Baby Strollers
Bicycles, Tricycles, Scooters
Children's Care Products
Electrical Fans

Barcode Scanner
Major Export Market:Australasia
Central and South America
Eastern Europe
North America
South East Asia
West Europe

Certifications & Awards:EN 460000 & CE MARKING
ISO 9001

OEM Services:Yes
Factory Locations:
Established Year:1984
Annual Turnover:USD$ < 50,000
Go Green Ideas & Practices:No
Go Green Products:No
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