2023 Mega Show Part 1 Exhibitor List

AQ Bio Technology Group Limited

1D-C13 (Hall 1D) Hong Kong

Company Background:

艾橋生物科技公司是一間港資企業,在全國各地和新西蘭擁有各類不同的生產設施。百分之九十的植物原液均由集團旗下佔地面積超過幾百畝的種植場生產,產品行銷全球二十多個國家。 我們將不斷致力運用高端生物科技,為人們帶來更安全,更舒適無污染的現代清新居住環境。是健康智慧,源自天然,AQ用高科技生物技術,採用天然植物,制造出無添加,無化學的現代高科技產品,制造出無菌無汙染國度,提供給免疫糸統休息充電,身體有了電,會快速提升抵抗力,對抗各疾病,並立即會修復身體各機能的損耗,減少身體透支,延緩老化,AQ內發酵天然醇和植物膠原素,對皮膚止癢,抗氧化,細胞更生,對口腔,肚內不舒的解毒,消炎,修復等其它也非常有效,全面性幫助免疫系統解決額外的負擔,AQ在哪,健康在哪。 AQ Bio Technology Group Ltd is a Hong Kong-based enterprise with a variety of manufacturing facilities located in New Zealand and China. 90% of our plant based solutions are produced in the AQ-owned plantations which are over hundreds of acres. Our products are available in more than 20 countries around the world, we will continue utilizing high end bio-technology to achieve a safer, cozy and non-contaminated modern environment.AQ is about the wisdom of health. The natural formula is made from plants with the use of advanced biotechnology. The outcome, therefore, is a high-tech product that is free of addictives and chemicals. AQ helps to create an environment with no germs and pollution which allows the immune system to take a break and be probably recharged. Once the body is charged with energy, its resistance against diseases will be improved swiftly. As various body functions are being repaired, diseases are dealt with; the body will no more be overloaded and aging is slowed down. Apart from promoting cell renewal and repair in the body, the natural alcohol and plant collagen in the formula are very effective against itching, oxidation, inflammation and toxins that cause oral problems and digestive discomfort. In a comprehensive manner, AQ aids the immune system and lessens its burden. Where AQ is, there is good health.


Contact Person:Ms. Ceci Wong
Exhibits:Sensitization & Sterilization Chemical
Nature of Business:Manufacturer

Industry:Baby Products
Health & Beauty

Product Categories:Children's Care Products
Other Housewares, Decor & Home
Other Products
Personal Care Items

Health Spray
Major Export Market:Hong Kong

Certifications & Awards: 
OEM Services:No
Factory Locations:
Established Year:2008
Annual Turnover:USD$ < 50,000
Go Green Ideas & Practices:Yes
Go Green Products:Yes
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